
Don't you dare supersize me

Today we watched Supersize Me and I am now officially ashamed to have ever eaten at Mc Donald’s. I was absolutely appalled that Morgan Spurlock gained basically a pound a day, seriously harmed his liver and raised all sorts of levels in his blood that were previously in the healthy range! How disgusting that food can do that to you. Even more interesting was the fact that no one, not even the three doctors he enlisted to monitor his health, could imagine how harmful three meals a day at Mc Donald’s could be.

Supersize Me and All Over Creation both bring up the important fact that people should know what they are eating, whether it’s a Mc Donald’s salad with more calories than a Big Mac or pesticides produced by bacterial DNA in a potato. GM foods don’t necessarily need to be banned, lacking evidence either way of the long-term health effects of such foods, as long as all products containing GMOs are properly labeled so that consumers are aware of what they’re consuming and that their food could potentially harm them.

Image courtesy of hollywoodjesus.com

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